The cold is finally getting here together with the high and strong winds of November.
Although i find this very fascinating, i can´t wait to see my dears in my hometown again.
But at the same time i am so nervous. I don´t know what i can expect, because it´s the first time i´ve been so long away from home. I wish i could have more time there to divide myself to everybody, but i am afraid it´s not gonna be possible.
The one that i really want to be with is my beloved 14-year-old cat, who is actually very sick...this makes me very sad, because she´s like my own skin, a part of me.
Until there, in fifteen days, i will try to enjoy my friends here as much as i can, because i´m coming back only in January and stay here for another long time.
Adoro o outono! Adoro! E adoro o seu blog, too.