I dream about a house in many colours. I believe my life dreams about colours. All of them, actually.
Since I was 15 i dreamed about having my own place - space. A room just for myself, where i could feel apart from the world outside for some moments. But i keep wondering: why is it so difficult to "conquer" our own space? This is an old time question. Virgina Woolf once talked about it, in 1929, in her famous essay A Room of One´s Own: "(...)a woman must have money and a room of her own if she wants to write fiction".
What Virginia Woof said about it is basically that everybody (in this specific case, the women) needs independency and a space to do what they want.
My case does not stand to writing fiction, but about one having his/her own space, to do whatever they want. I feel that this quote, however, fits very well in every situation. Just change "writing fiction" to "do something you love, in a space you love".
More than never i realized how much home means one´s identity. It doesn´t matter where you live or where you are. Everyone needs a place-space to "feel at home". It gets even more important if you live in cold weather places, where you spend most of your time at home.
Well, lately, in my life, i´ve been changing places a lot. First, from my mother´s house to my boyfriend´s house; then, to our own apartment and then to our room (residence hall) in Porto.
Living in this room is quite nice, although is just a room and a bathroom (and it´s warm enough during the winter!). But, it´s basically a room, and, unfortunately, you are not allowed to make any changes in this space.
As we grow older, all we keep thinking is settling down. And i don´t mean only getting married and having babies, but most important: having our own space in some place.
These pics are truly an inspiration for the time when i finally get a real home:
This is a nice place to read a book, have a cup of hot coco, talk to friends or listen to music:

I see myself having sweet dreams in a room like this one:

I could spend days and days in this home office: