So, i´m still daydreaming about rooms and houses. It´s nice because i truly have some inspiration plans for my future house, maybe we get a real one next year. It´s only depending if we´re still living here during Phd or not. Hope so... :)
Toys in the Attic: i like the fact that attics aren´t necessary a place to keep old things inside it. On the contrary: they were built to be a room of one´s own!
This one reminds me living in a dollhouse...perfect!

Bedrooms and living rooms: they are my favourite places in a house.
Lots and lots of books and pictures on the wall...

Her apartment is totally inspirational...

Books again, all over the place...

This is a "just you and me" living room...

I love this view from this pretty bedroom...and i love the fact that there is also a cat in it!

Girlie bedroom, my pink phase dream...

This one is flawless...

Cutie japanese living room...

Since me and hubby are teachers and nerds, we love reading books and comic books.
Therefore, we really dream living in a small apartment where we can place all his collection of comics, my peanuts collection of comics, our toy collection (his DC and Marvel figures and my Snoopy collection figures), all over the place.
Books are part of our both professional e spiritual life. I really love places that keep books everywhere, because you never feel lonely when you have them by your side all the time.
São todos lindos, mas se fosse pra escolher um seria o da foto 6... com a cama de lençois amarrotados,foto e livros de cabeçeira, as bokinhas e o gato na jenela!